Yo-Yo & Yeou-Cheng Ma: Finding Their Way cover illustration
Yo-Yo as Frog interior illustration for Yo-Yo & Yeou-Cheng Ma: Finding Their Way
Yeou-Cheng learning to play violin interior illustration for Yo-Yo & Yeou-Cheng Ma: Finding Their Way
Yo-Yo, not a violinist interior illustration for Yo-Yo & Yeou-Cheng Ma: Finding Their Way
A Secret to Keep chapter illustration for The Flight of the Little Swallow
The Swallow's Release chapter illustration for The Flight of the Little Swallow
Saying Goodbye chapter illustration for The Flight of the Little Swallow
C.C. and Florence interior illustration for Vera Wang: Queen of Fashion
Florence, Vera and Kenneth interior illustration for Vera Wang: Queen of Fashion
Getting measured for a Skating Costume interior illustration for Vera Wang: Queen of Fashion
I'm Very Good at Climbing spot illustration for poem in An Early Worm Got Out of Bed
I'm Very Good at Climbing (and skpping) spot illustration for poem from An Early Worm Got Out of Bed
Among the Water Lilies illustration for poem in An Early Worm Got Out of Bed
The Adventure Begins... inside title page for The Adventure Begins: First Day at Detinu International School
For Dad dedication page for The Adventure Begins: First Day at Detinu International School
New Students interior illustration for The Adventure Begins: First Day at Detinu International School
UN Day: The Third-Culture Kid Way cover illustration for UN Day: The Third-Culture Kid Way
Before the Performance interior illustration for UN Day: The Third-Culture Kid Way
Bowling Gophers interior illustration for The Kitsville Caper
Abigail gardening website graphics for Longevity Pension Fund
Abigail website graphics for Longevity Pension Fund
Abigails website graphics for Longevity Pension Fund
Maria website graphics for Longevity Pension Fund
Maria doing Yoga website graphics for Longevity Pension Fund
Liam Sketch sketch for website graphics for Longevity Pension Fund
Liam website graphics for Longevity Pension Fund
Liams website graphics for Longevity Pension Fund
Parent Resources Logo redesign of logo for Parent Resources Earlyon Child and Family Centre
The Cat Doctor Spring logo redesign for The Cat Doctor - Spring version
Catnip Suites logo design for Catnip Suites
The Cat Doctor logo redesign for The Cat Doctor
Robots Need Love Too apparel design for The Candi Factory... I think these were for mens underwear
Neighbourhoods t-shirt design for The Candi Factory featuring Toronto neighbourhoods
Neighbourhoods Shirt tshirt design for The Candi Factory
Testimonials Banner show banner design for The Candi Factory featuring various customer testimonials
Cosmos Pet Products logo design for Cosmos Pet Products
Owl web icon
Me and my Shadow web icon
Pat and Kelly wedding favours design
Belinda and Bud watercolour portrait commission
Isabel watercolour portrait commission
Jacyln and Jason watercolour portrait commission
Christine and Family watercolour portrait commission
Leon's Nine Lives watercolour portrait commission after my Nine Lives greeting card design
Lucy Patchouli watercolour portrait commission
Lucy Cat Ranch watercolour portrait commission
Schoolgirl Kitty personal work ACEO
Schoolboy Kitty personal work ACEO
Hipcat personal work ACEO
Kerry and Dave wedding gift portrait
Matt with Coffee personal work